[Greater-baltimore] Make your opinion be heard and help a student at the same time!

nfbmd nfbmd at earthlink.net
Sat Dec 21 19:48:15 UTC 2013

Hello All,

Carols Mora asked me to send out the information about the survey below. I
have no other data about this. 

Please help if you can. It could benefit all of us. 

Sharon Maneki




If you use screen-reader software, are blind, are at least 18 years of age,

and if you have an interest in helping to improve the quality and

consistency in text-based descriptions for the blind (such as alt-text/long

descriptions), I would very much like to include your opinions in my

dissertation study. My study focuses on improving text-based descriptions

for the blind. The survey consists of 12 questions and is designed to be

completed in less than 15 minutes. It has also been tested to ensure

screen-reader compatibility and keyboard-based navigation.


The survey can be completed anonymously, and you will not receive any

follow-up contact from me--or anyone--about the survey or your responses.

However, for those who indicate that it is okay to do so via their survey

responses, please note that I am planning to conduct follow-up one-on-one

interviews (30 to 60 minutes) and a group teleconference about improving

text-based descriptions (60 to 90 minutes).  If you have an interest in

participating in that conference call, please be sure to provide contact

information where requested in the survey. Compensation in the amount of

$15.00 will be provided in the form of an Amazon gift card (or other like

retailer) to those who participate in the individual interview. Due to

technical limitations, not everyone can be invited to participate in the

group teleconference. For those who do participate in the teleconference,

additional compensation of $25.00 will be offered through gift card.


If you have any questions about the survey, its aim and potential use, or my

dissertation, please contact me. Your participation is completely voluntary

and all information gathered will be used exclusively for my research. This

survey has been approved by the TTU Institutional Review Board.


Please feel free to forward this survey link onward to other individuals you

think might have an interest in participating.


Here is the link to the survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SZXHYH3.




Cristopher Broyles, Doctoral Candidate

Technical Communication and Rhetoric

Texas Tech University




Sean Zdenek, PhD

Principal Investigator




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