[Greater-Baltimore] The LBPD Great Cookie Challenge is Now Open! Cast Your Vote!

Ashley Biggs -LBPD- ashley.biggs1 at maryland.gov
Thu Dec 3 16:45:30 UTC 2020

Cookies are made and enjoyed all around the world.   Chunky, sweet, gooey,
or just plain jane, there is a cookie for everyone.

Join The Maryland Library for the Blind and Print Disabled (LBPD)
throughout the month of December to vote on the 2020 top cookie.

Who can participate?  All ages are invited to participate in all challenges.

Ways to Participate  There will be several ways to participate.

Cookie Bracket Challenge
Starting today a cookie bracket will be released to vote for your favorite
cookie.  We are starting with 8 strong contenders that will battle it out
until one is crowned the "Favorite". Simply cast your vote and follow "The
Great Cookie Bracket" at https://bit.ly/LBPDCookieChallenge

Voting begins on December 1st.  Each week be sure to cast your vote within
each oven to move your cookie to the #1 slot.

The voting will take place as follows:

   - Round 1:    December 1- 7th
   - Semi-Finals:   December 8th -  14th
   - Finals:  December 15th - 21st

"The Great Cookie" winner will be crowned on December 22nd.

Social Media Challenge
Post and share your favorite cookie recipes, videos of you being "Martha
Stewart" in the kitchen, or just fantastic pics of your favorite indulgence.
  Then challenge your friends, family, coworkers, businesses, or even your
worst enemy to post their favorite cookies too.    Be sure to tag us using
the following social media handles. Use the following hashtag:

Instagram:  @MDLBPD

Twitter: @MDLBPD

Facebook: @MDLBPD

Check Out Books
Throughout the month, check out some great reads all about... Cookies!
 All age levels are included.


*Ashley M. Biggs*
*Marketing & Outreach Librarian*
Maryland State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled
Maryland State Library
415 Park Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21201-3603

410-230-2430 (office) | 667-209-1563 (cell) | 410-333-2095 (fax)
ashley.biggs1 at maryland.gov


Click here
complete a three-question customer experience survey.

*Follow us on Social Media!*

   - Facebook - MDLBPD <https://www.facebook.com/MDLBPD/>
   - Twitter - MDLBPD <https://twitter.com/MDLBPD/>
   - Linked In - Maryland State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled
   - Blog- https://mdlbpd.blogspot.com/
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