[Home-on-the-range] NFBk State Web Site

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Thu Aug 26 02:11:08 UTC 2010

The nfbnet.org site where your site is houses has drupal for your 
installation.  From your cPanel page go to fantastico deluxe and you 
can install it from there.


At 01:50 PM 8/25/2010, you wrote:
>Hey Floyd,
>I was actually thinking that a content management system would be a 
>great idea for the affiliate website.
>In short this would be a system that would allow authorized people 
>to make content postings without having to worry about formatting 
>and stuff. This would allow us to develop a design once and then 
>focus on content generation/delivery in a fashion not unlike 
>wikipedia (though with much better access controls and without 
>everybody seeing an "edit" link).
>This would also help with the "one webmaster" problem and allow the 
>many people in our affiliate who are great at creating content to 
>more easily leverage their skills.
>Examples of these systems include:
><http://www.scribus.net/>http://www.scribus.net/ (using drupal) and
><http://berkeley.edu/>http://berkeley.edu/ (running TikiWiki)
>These are very simple to install as they simply require put a few 
>files on the server just like a regular web page, and could be 
>maintained fairly easily.
>I think it would make building/maintaining/updating the site a lot 
>slicker and make it easier to integrate some of our other projects 
>like posting our newsletter, meeting minutes and/or convention media.
>If your interested I can use my old netbook to put together a demo 
>of a couple of these packages for state convention so people can get 
>a feel for what it would look like and how it might work.

                         David Andrews:  dandrews at visi.com
Follow me on Twitter:  http://www.twitter.com/dandrews920
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