[Home-on-the-range] Meet Pinky-

Dianne Hemphill diannehemphill at cox.net
Sun Mar 25 13:49:46 UTC 2012

Hello everyone! The South-Central chapter's March social yesterday took place at the bowling alley where we met Pinky...Pinky is Meg Silkie's new hot pink bowling ball and the new partnership between  the two was smashingly good...Meg made a lot of great strikes with Pinky making the rest of us think we should reconsider allowing Pinky joining us in the future! What fun we had...we really missed those of you unable to join with us in the fun. 

February found us 20 plus strong at a favorite Mexican restaurant . January we combined an important  evaluation of the cities latest bus route changes and auto announce system. Feedback on every route was then submitted to the cities metro transit system providing highlights of what's working better for the blind and where some additional considerations need to be addressed. This was followed up with food, of course (we love to eat here in the Wichita chapter!) .

The reason the South-Central chapter has been making such an effort in having monthly social opportunity goes further than the great fun we have, the fabulous food we always find  but our commitment to "changing what it means to be blind".  The communities that we live in are always surprised that we get out and about to be seen around town having  such fun. It's important to have these times to just eat, play  and laugh together. ..but we miss you  - those of you who sometimes don't make it to our socials or meetings. The National Federation of the Blind needs you just as much as we believe you need the NFB.  Please know that we miss you and care about you and hope that you will make the commitment  to join with us to make this possible.  If you need a little more reason as to why the NFB is important to support with time and energy, make sure to read the articles in March's Braille Monitor about why it is important to be a member of the National Federation of the Blind. Please feel free to call any of us if you have questions - my number is 316-201-1323 to talk  or if you need help in finding the contact info for someone in your chapter. 

What are some of the approaches that your chapter uses to make sure your current members  know that it takes all of us to do the important work "in the most positive and united  way? How do you attract new members and make them feel welcomed and needed? I know there are many out there just wishing for us to find them and introduce them to a new way of thinking and living.    Let's make sure  we do out part in being at the monthly meeting, special events and conventions. We are more believable  when we make our participation a priority.  Dianne

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