[Home-on-the-range] Convention for the rights of people with disabilities Treaty

Timothy timothy.hornik at gmail.com
Fri Oct 25 15:48:57 UTC 2013


Greetings everyone, the Senate will start posting the hearings for the convention for the rights of people with disabilities treaty next month. Our own senators here in Kansas voted against this due to concerns over sovereignty. This archaic thoughts stems not from fact but rather their own political bias. The treaty is actually in line with our own ADA. Having just concluded a trip to South Korea, I can at least say that the US is woefully behind in terms of accessibility for the visually impaired. This is just one method of letting those elected officials know that we have our own in alienable rights.

Thank you for your assistance,
Timothy Hornik
Timothy.Hornik at Gmail.com
(785) 330 | 3503

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