[Home-on-the-range] Fwd: [Nfb-seniors] NFBN Senior Division - Reminder of September 12th phone meeting

Susan Stanzel slstanzel at kc.rr.com
Sat Sep 10 16:25:23 UTC 2016

Hi Everyone,


Unfortunitely, I have a Toastmaster meeting Monday night. Tom, could you
please attend this meeting?




From: Home-on-the-Range [mailto:home-on-the-range-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Dianne Hemphill via Home-on-the-Range
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2016 8:09 AM
To: NFB of Kansas Internet Mailing List
Cc: Dianne Hemphill
Subject: [Home-on-the-range] Fwd: [Nfb-seniors] NFBN Senior Division -
Reminder of September 12th phone meeting


Hello federationists - this conference call, Monday, 9/12, 7 PM/CT might be
of interest to anyone interested in the development of the NFBK Senior
Division. During our recent board meeting we began discussion regarding how
we might approach meetings that would be both accessible and meaningful to
our senior's with blindness. The philosophical discussion topic on how and
when to accept/ask for help and how to handle a situation when there is no
help needed or desired should be interesting and useful. 

I hope chapter presidents and/or someone from each chapter can  call in and
get a feel how other divisions approach their support  for their seniors.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Robert Leslie Newman via NFB-Seniors <nfb-seniors at nfbnet.org>

Subject: [Nfb-seniors] NFBN Senior Division - Reminder of September 12th
phone meeting

Date: September 9, 2016 9:44:15 PM CDT

To: "NFB Senior Division list" <nfb-seniors at nfbnet.org>

Cc: Robert Leslie Newman <newmanrl at cox.net>

Reply-To: NFB Senior Division list <nfb-seniors at nfbnet.org>


Hi you all

RE: Reminder of our September meeting!

Contents of this message:

*When and how to get on the call


*Attached & Pasted in Below: Combined Minutes and treasure's report from
last Division meeting, plus July's corrected minutes; minutes from our
Division's August Board meeting; our Division's constitution (attached only)

*NFB Pledge 

*#1 When and How to Get On the Call:

Date: Monday September 12th 

Time: 6:00 MT, 7:00 CT 

Phone: 1-712-451-0011

Access Code: 345154Pound

*#2 Agenda:

--Come-to-order: introductions, our NFB pledge 

--Reports: Secretary & Treasurers Reports Will be discussed and approved
and/or accepted


-The Division's constitution; every member has received a copy.

-Our recent board meeting report; everyone has received a copy of the

-2016 State Convention: news; finalizing our convention fund raising
options; our 2016 convention Fellowship; our general session exercise
presentations; and more.


-Discuss anything you may bring.

---Philosophical Discussion: Blindness and Help; how to deal with people who
are either too helpful, or not enough and/or how to ask for help.

--Finally- Brags & Drags


*#3 NFB Pledge: 

I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National

Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for
the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to
abide by its constitution.


August 8, 2016

The NFBN Senior Division met by telephone conference on Monday, August 8,
2016. The meeting began at 7:12 PM (CT.) Members present were: Robert
Newman, Brad and Barbara Loos, Cheryl Livingston, Becky McCullough, Nancy
Oltman, Gene Gillette, and Linda Mentink. Guests were: Gina Fennell, Della
Johnston, Ramona Walhof, and Chris Boone.

Cheryl recited the NFB Pledge.

Barbara introduced our guest speaker, Ramona Walhoff, co-chair of the NFB
Lions Group. Her presentation included the basic structure of the
organization, how to become involved in a club and answers to questions we

Linda read the July minutes. Barbara mentioned that AIRA is A I R A. Barbara
moved, Nancy seconded, that we accept the minutes as corrected. The motion

Cheryl read the Treasurer's report. Gina moved, Barbara seconded, that we
approve the Treasurer's report. The motion carried.

Old business: Robert reported that the cartridges were sent out.

Linda mentioned that, in response to Nancy's question last month about
hearing Amy's presentation at the national convention, there was a message
posted on our listserv with the link to hear it and other audio.

We discussed timing of paying dues, and concluded that those who have just
paid will not have to pay again until October, 2017.

New Business: Robert mentioned that Cheryl was in Columbus at the board
meeting, and Barbara, Brad and he were there by phone. He asked Barbara to
report. The convention schedule is up in the air enough, so that the board
decided not to make a decision that day about whether Seniors will have a
lunch or a breakfast or whatever, but would meet again next Monday night at
7:30 to nail some of that stuff scheduling-wise down. There is supposed to
be a bus from Omaha to Lincoln to Columbus, but nothing so far from other
parts of the state.

This board will meet Monday the 22nd at 7:00.

Brags and Drags: Nancy said that the website that she goes to buy has
recently changed the site so that it is impossible for her to use. She has
left them a comment.

At 8:44 it was moved, seconded and carried that the meeting be adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Mentink, Secretary Pro. Tem.


Monday, August 22, 2016

The NFBN Senior Division met by telephone conference call. The meeting began
at 7:10 PM.

Present were: members, Robert Newman; Barbara Loos; Cheryl Livingston; Linda
Mentink; Guests: Nancy Oltman and Walt Hively.

Robert recited the NFB Pledge.

Robert, Barbara and Cheryl attended the state board meeting last Monday
evening. They brought some convention things up to Amy, who said she would
get back to Robert. That has not happened yet. Barbara suggested that we do
something during the general sessions to make ourselves known, and to let
the young people know that we are active seniors. Cheryl will contact Amy
concerning the agenda.

Fund-raiser: Robert suggested clickers for $1 each. Barbara recommended that
we run it by the membership in September.

Elections: Barbara and Cheryl are willing to run again. Barbara suggested
that candidates be reminded that they need to ask someone to nominate them.

To expand responsibilities: get someone to regularly contact special
speakers, someone to send emails for hospitalizations or birthdays, and
someone to call prospective members.

Cheryl will send a copy of the division constitution that was approved by
the board to our email list.

Barbara suggested that we try to help those who don't know how to make phone
calls, use the Talking Book Player, or to do other things.

We will financially help a senior come to the state convention. Robert will
ask Pearl to pass our notice to Commission supervisors. He will put it on
our NFBN-ANNOUNCE list, talk with the executive director of the Talking Book
and Braille Service and put it on the cartridge.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Mentink, Secretary Pro. Tem.

* Treasurer's Report-Senior Division

August 8, 2016

Beginning Balance                                      $717.95


August  PAC plan                                        $ 10.00



Ending Balance       August 8,  2016      $707.95 

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer

**(Corrected) Treasurer's Report-Senior Division

July 11, 2016

Beginning Balance                                      $882.95


July PAC plan                                               $ 10.00

Check 1222 Robert Newman                 $155.00

Cartridges and mailers



Ending Balance       July 11,  2016          $717.95 

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer


Monday, August 22, 2016

The NFBN Senior Division met by telephone conference call. The meeting began
at 7:10 PM.

Present were: members, Robert Newman; Barbara Loos; Cheryl Livingston; Linda
Mentink; Guests: Nancy Oltman and Walt Hively.

Robert recited the NFB Pledge.

Robert, Barbara and Cheryl attended the state board meeting last Monday
evening. They brought some convention things up to Amy, who said she would
get back to Robert. That has not happened yet. Barbara suggested that we do
something during the general sessions to make ourselves known, and to let
the young people know that we are active seniors. Cheryl will contact Amy
concerning the agenda.

Fund-raiser: Robert suggested clickers for $1 each. Barbara recommended that
we run it by the membership in September.

Elections: Barbara and Cheryl are willing to run again. Barbara suggested
that candidates be reminded that they need to ask someone to nominate them.

To expand responsibilities: get someone to regularly contact special
speakers, someone to send emails for hospitalizations or birthdays, and
someone to call prospective members.

Cheryl will send a copy of the division constitution that was approved by
the board to our email list.

Barbara suggested that we try to help those who don't know how to make phone
calls, use the Talking Book Player, or to do other things.

We will financially help a senior come to the state convention. Robert will
ask Pearl to pass our notice to Commission supervisors. He will put it on
our NFBN-ANNOUNCE list, talk with the executive director of the Talking Book
and Braille Service and put it on the cartridge.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Mentink, Secretary Pro. Tem.


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