[humanser] Info on North Chicago...

Mary Chappell mtc5 at cox.net
Sun Jan 17 18:42:11 UTC 2010

Hey all,
As I go through the final phase of my graduate program I have been
interviewing for my pre-doctoral internship, a year-long residency that may
occur, literally, anywhere in the nation. Last week I interviewed  at a VA
in North Chicago. I was really impressed and would love the opportunity to
complete this part of my training in that setting. Now, the logistics
problems  begin. I am wondering if anyone has information or recommendations
for the area. Info on availability of transportation, areas that are
preferred, etc. Plus, if anyone has info on work with VA Medical Centers as
a mental health professional, that would be helpful. I want to make sound
decisions and site selections for the match process are due by February 1 so
any info you may provide to assist me in my decision making would be
Mary Tatum Chappell

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