[humanser] Drivers license requirement for employment

Karen Rose rosekm at earthlink.net
Sat Dec 21 20:48:08 UTC 2013

First in response to an earlier post on this thread – I do not disclose blindness and I do not disclose my race or orientation or religion either. No difference there. Second – if the interviewer is trying to get rid of me based on a prejudgment Will often try to trap the interviewer into asking and illegal question and then proceed to take action against the organization. Karen

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 21, 2013, at 8:32 AM, Serena Cucco <serena.c.cucco at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I most likely would've done prior research, except I applied for the
> job and got an interview a bit quicker than I anticipated.  Also,
> Since these clients were mentally ill, they most likely don't have
> computers, never mind Scype.  I see what J.D. means about making the
> interview focus on your talents, but it's a bit harder when you
> suspect the interviewer is flatout lying and wants to get rid of you.
> Also, I answered the how do I get to work question directly cuz I
> didn't want to seem like I was beating around the bush, especially
> since it was after I already knew what he was up to.
> Serena
>> On 12/21/13, Carly Mihalakis <carlymih at comcast.net> wrote:
>> Good morning, Steve,
>>         I don't know why the decision to disclose, or not to
>> disclose seems to baffle people so. I mean, don't people say shit
>> like your blindness ought to be as much a part of you as one's gender
>> or hair color? Do people have a problem disclosing their race, what
>> color is their hair?
>> for today, CarAt 02:33 AM 10/16/2013, Steven Johnson wrote:
>>> However, remember tht the accommodation process starts with the
>>> application
>>> process.  By disclosing you begin to establish a level of trust with a
>>> prospective employer and engage in discussions from the get-go. By
>>> withholding, an impression can be left and their perception is that you
>>> may
>>> not beh the type of employee they are looking for.  I engaged my employer
>>> in
>>> the accommodation process from the get go to make sure that their
>>> lectronic
>>> application was truly accessible.  From my perspective, it is only fair to
>>> disclose especially if at some  point, accommodations will be requested.
>>> I
>>> have been with county Government since.  This was my one and only
>>> interview
>>> for this social services position and over 60 candidates were interviewed.
>>> Steve

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