[humanser] Drivers license requirement for employment

Karen Rose rosekm at earthlink.net
Sat Dec 28 01:34:37 UTC 2013

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 27, 2013, at 4:23 PM, Sandy <sandraburgess at msn.com> wrote:
> What I did was to put the forms in to my Pac Mate, which did make back in the olden days we found feelings with typewriters by counting horizontal and vertical spaces. It took for ever grown them accessible to me.  I then had to sync them back to the desktop and reformat them.  Finally I was told that it was hard to know what I had checked, and I did agree one couldn't skim quickly through the forms.  The forms I speak of are known as Mass. Standarized Documentation Program and developed by a nonprofit in Central Massachusetts.  Unfortunately, my agency elected to begin using their forms.  The Mass. Commission for the Blind recent director and others, myself included, had discussions with the developer and other social workers in my area of the state, working at agencies using these documents, had the same inaceessibility issues.  Then my office spent one million on ProFiler, which was inaccessible to the point I couldn't find where to enter information.  Well, the sighted found the ProFiler hard to learn, "stupid," and recently switched to Ehana.  Ehana appears to be accessible and made for mental health people, and it helps you find the DSM codes for your Axis diagnoses.  The other forms developed in Central Massachusetts have recently become usable.  Anyway, never thought of typewriter, but wouldn't help me find edit fields.
> Thanks,
> Sandy
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Karen Rose" <rosekm at earthlink.net>
> Sent: Friday, December 27, 2013 7:09 PM
> To: "Human Services Mailing List" <humanser at nfbnet.org>
> Cc: "Human Services Mailing List" <humanser at nfbnet.org>
> Subject: Re: [humanser] Drivers license requirement for employment
>> Sandy – I do not know your specific technology but I wonder – would it be possible to type your notes on an old-fashioned typewriter and then scan them into the inaccessible program
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Dec 27, 2013, at 4:03 PM, Sandy <sandraburgess at msn.com> wrote:
>>> Justin,
>>> Accessibility is the bigest hurdle I have encountered.  For some time I made copies of agency forms I adapted to use with Microsoft.  When we went to electronic records, I was not permitted to dictate notes and the records, as well as forms we used put out by another vendor, they and the health records were both inaccessible.  After a few years of me and others dealing with t

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