[humanser] Pen pals in grade 1

Ericka Short ericka.short at wi.rr.com
Tue Dec 31 07:38:01 UTC 2013

Sandy, write me off line and we can talk more about this.  Any one else 
interested in pen pals via braille just mail me you name, address and  maybe 
a phone number in case the dots aren't cooperative.

I'm trying to train the new mail people to NOT put braille packages into 
mailboxes.  Instead theyshould be put between the  outside door and the 
house.  They have been putting  rolled up braille envelopes and sticking 
them into my small condo mail box with other mail.  I always state this need 
to not bend braille every change I get.  I've called the post office several 
times but the do what they want anyhow.  I caught him one day and explained 
that I can't read the mail if it's flattened out.  He got the picture.  Now 
anything with the word Braille on it goes by my door.

Looking to some great letters!  One page is enough  in the beginning.  You 
can write on a braillewriter too I guess.  I am not good with the slate and 
stylus either.  No cheating with printers that pit out braille.  That is too 

Ericka J. Short
3615 85th St. #D
Kenosha  WI  53142

PH: 262-697-0510

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Philippians 4:13

"No hand is too small or too big to do good in this world." EJ. Short 

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