[humanser] Accessible Technology Delay in Internship and Emplyment

Alyssa Munsell alyssa53105 at comcast.net
Tue Oct 8 01:31:45 UTC 2013

Hello Human Services Division! 


I am currently doing an internship at a residential home for adults with
mental illness, and most of the client records are on the agency's
computers. It is strict agency policy that any kind of software must be
installed by the IT Department. I need to have JAWS and Zoomtext installed
onto at least one of the computers in order for me to be able to use it. I
have been requesting for IT to install these programs, which I have the
disks and license for, for the past 2 weeks, and they have been
extraordinarily slow in doing so. 


This situation has made me concerned about how I am going to handle this
kind of accessible technology delay in the future with employers because I
need the technology in order to perform the work. Since I am only interning
at the agency I'm currently at, there isn't a productivity expectation. This
would obviously not be the case in a paid work setting. 


How have you all handled this iny our experiences? Any feedback would be
greatly appreciated. 


Thanks so much! 



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