[humanser] Accessible Technology Delay in Internship and Employment

Merry Schoch merrys at verizon.net
Tue Oct 8 12:46:39 UTC 2013

Hello Alyssa

I realize that this is an internship position; however, these positions are
valuable towards our educational experience that includes the introduction
of paperwork.  Below are a few steps you may want to consider. 

In my graduate program we had an internship supervisor in our department,
you may want to address this with that individual if you have one.  If this
does not help then I'd suggest contacting the Students with Disabilities
office at your educational institution.  If this heeds no support then
contact me and I will see if there is any avenues where we may be able to
assist you in this situation.

I will be looking through the ADA this week in regards to employment rights
of the disabled, and although this is not an employment situation we may be
able to use some of the language to persuade the agency to be proactive in
assisting you.

Thank you,
Merry C. Schoch

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