[humanser] Interview Tomorrow & Hospitals

Ericka J. Short ericka.short at att.net
Thu Oct 17 18:54:44 UTC 2013

A nursing home is a small version of a hospital so I might be able to help 
some.  I was an activity aide in a nearby nursing home for 6 years and 
getting residents to activities, visiting them in their rooms, doing 
histories on new residents, and delivering mail were some of my work 

Most places these days have braille on the room number plates print room 
numbers.  Ask the staff which direction is a certain room until you  get 
used to the format of floors.  Everyone with sight asks the nurse's station 
if "so and so" is in their room so don't be afraid to ask. You can stand at 
the door, knock and say "Hello Mary, are you in?"  Unless they are sleeping 
most would make some noise at least in response.  I have no experience in 
crisis care so I don't  know what else to say.  I'd take a trusted friend 
with you one day and walk through the building to get a feel for the place's 
set up.  It's a good thing to think about, but you  need to know what the 
specifics are for the job.  You might have to  do both--meet in their room 
and later in the office.

Ericka Short
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." 

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