[humanser] Comments on Accessibility Issues Involving Software

Karen Rose rosekm at earthlink.net
Mon Sep 2 01:51:18 UTC 2013

Hi Carly – I am also in Berkeley and would love to know you. My name is Karen and I am and am FTE in private practice at Charlotte and center next door to Berkeley city college. I was born a total. It would be fun to meet

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On Sep 1, 2013, at 6:33 PM, Carly Mihalakis <carlymih at comcast.net> wrote:

> Hi, JD,
>        So reverent am I of real-life accounts of a 1st phase of our Struggle for civil and human rights which in case you weren't sure is not in any way shape or form,  over since today, there is no such thing as a real living wage proportional to a the economy in which someone lives; universal health care remains but a piped dream and voting rights remain as adulterated as they always have been. they Only thing that's moped, in my view, is its not being politically corect to voice one's toxic, deviant beliefs. Nowadays, the age of the PC construct has forced that stuff underground to where now, they can, rather than being up front about their   hatred, they can now exercise their racist, classist feelings where it counts, via policy decisions. and wealth distribution, or undistribution as a case may be.
> My name is Carly and I am pursuing a human services certificate here, at Berkeley city College in Berkeley, California.
> How far are you in your career and, are you a total?
>> To: Mary Ann Robinson ; Human Services Mailing List
>> Subject: Re: [humanser] Comments on Accessibility Issues Involving Software
>> I agree with those words to that freedom song too.
>> Which song is this?
>> Not working yet, but I have experienced barriers in my federal internships.
>> The government does not follow its own section 508 guidelines and I've seen
>> inaccessible software and training materials online.
>> Yes, do speak up. I just hope work arounds can be found so you can do your
>> job until it becomes accessible.
>> -----Original Message----- From: Mary Ann Robinson
>> Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2013 3:58 PM
>> To: JD Townsend
>> Cc: Human Services Mailing List
>> Subject: Re: [humanser] Comments on Accessibility Issues Involving Software
>> I sure do like and agree with the words to the song about freedom.  It is so
>> sad

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