[humanser] Fundraising update

Amalia Veliz amalia.veliz at gmail.com
Sun Sep 29 15:02:14 UTC 2013

Good morning from the Fundraising Committee! We have discussed a lot of
options at our meeting on Thursday afternoon, but would like the opinions
of the rest of the division. Within the next couple of days I will be
sending out another message with the list of ideas that were discussed.
Meanwhile if anyone has any questions or suggestions please let me know.
Our next meeting will be held on Sunday, October 13, 2013 @ 1:30pm
PST/4:30pm EST. If anyone would like the information before then please do
not hesitate to call me or email me directly.


*Amalia Veliz*
*home (520) 222-5519*
*cell    (520) 360-8268*
*amalia.veliz at gmail.com*

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