[humanser] Last Chance: You May Be Eligible for Compensation From Redbox Class Action Suit

LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired lhnews at lighthouse-sf.org
Fri Nov 7 23:59:52 UTC 2014

The deadline to apply for compensation from the Redbox lawsuit settlement is next Wednesday, November 12, 2014. Claims are expected to pay several thousand dollars to each blind Californian who meets the criteria and fills out the application.

After a 3-year effort by LightHouse and Disability Rights Advocates, blind Californians will be able to access Redbox kiosks independently. The settlement means that Redbox will start designing and emplacing accessible versions of its currently-inaccessible DVD vending machines in the next few years. All inaccessible California DVD rental machines will be converted to ones which have a tactile keypad and talk. This is a major accessibility victory.

Please note: you don't need to have physically attempted to use a Redbox to qualify for the settlement. If you simply would have liked to use it but have heard that blind people can't use it because it is inaccessible, this qualifies. There is no age limit - you can apply for the settlement even if you are under 18 as long as you meet the qualifications.

Read about the settlement at http://lighthouse-sf.org/blog/attention-legally-blind-people-living-california/

Make a claim at https://eclaim.kccllc.net/caclaimforms/ral/Landing.aspx

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