[humanser] Looking for Professional Sources on the topic of challenges that Counselors with Disabilities Face

Sarah Meyer sarah.meyer55 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 22 02:48:35 UTC 2015

Thanks for the link to resources, Big Dog! I haven't actually had a
chance to read any of the articles yet but I hope to be able to do so
starting tomorrow; I've been immersed in other projects/readings.
Also, thanks Merry for the suggestion to check out the Tenbrook
library; I will do that as well.
I agree that a lack of literature (especially current literature) may
be evidence of a problem. I also think that our
acceptance/internalization of the concept that "we are supposed to be
the client and not the counselor" is a huge part of the problem.
Please don't hear me say that we as blind people cannot or should not
be clients or patients; I am not saying that is wrong or bad in any
way. I am just saying it should be just as much a given that blind
people will also be the counselor, doctor, etc., basically the one on
the helping/professional side of the relationship.

Sarah K. Meyer
Graduate Student, Clinical Mental Health Counseling/Social Psychology
Ball State University
Board Member, National Federation of the Blind Human Services Division
Board Member, National Federation of the Blind of Indiana State Affiliate
sarah.meyer55 at gmail.com

The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. You can live the life
you want; blindness is not what holds you back. Together with love,
hope, and determination, we transform dreams into reality.

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