[humanser] Adjustment to blindness

Michael Abell bigdog4744 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 17:08:12 UTC 2015

Okay, Let's try this again!

               I forgot that the menu hotkeys are different in applications!
The reference is below.

Tuttle, D., Tuttle, D. W., & Tuttle, n. R. (1996). Self-esteem and adjusting
with blindness: The process of responding to life's demands. Springfield,
Ill: Charles C. Thomas Publisher.


               This is a great reference and contains some good information
across the board. The "gap" that is brought up by Sherry is in the construct
that currently reigns regarding "blindness" and those impacted by it. No
matter what arena you are in, the narrative is that the valley of transition
from first encountering blindness to reintegration into productive members
of society is a place that is rareley discussed. We try to "stage" the
process and categorize individuals so that we can understand what to expect;
ignore. We also have programs that are designed to rescue individuals from
blindness and to transform them into the "inspiring" figures that are
advertised as the successes that we can become.

               I recently attended a conference where an individual was
sharing about his father's death. His father was an artist and had died of
Pancreatic cancer. As we all listened with compassionate hearts, he told us
that the blessing in the experience was that his father had been diagnosed
with an illness that would take his sight and that his death preempted that

               Yes, society still considers death a preferred alternative to
blindness. Is it any wonder that there is a link to depression and
maladjustment to blindness? Individuals need to grieve the loss that they
experience of blindness when it comes to them along side of the life that
they live. Life is a journey that need not have a sideline that is reserved
for those that don't fit into the uniform that society has designed. If the
playing field is ever to be level, the players need to be welcomed by the
league that the game is played; and, players need to stay in the game!

               I hope that this rant gives some insight to the place that I
seek to bring light. Adjustment to blindness is a field that needs much
research. This topic needs reformation as well. Until blindness is no longer
thought of as something that individuals "get over", individuals will rarely
be able to adjust to a life that includes blindness. After all, this world
is in darkness half the day! Shouldn't we all enjoy the night!



Michael "Big Dog" Abell


Helping individuals to find their eyes in the dark.

(480) 369-0805


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