[humanser] Education and Development Committee Meeting Notice

Mary Ann Robinson brightsmile1953 at comcast.net
Tue Sep 15 01:24:21 UTC 2015

Hello Human Services division listserv members,
Dr. Mary Chappell and I would like to invite you to the Human Services division's education and development committee's first  teleconference meeting.  The meeting will be held on Sunday September 20th @ 8:00 pm EST.  We will meet and greet interested participants and discuss  what attracted or motivated callers as well as hopes and desired outcomes for the committee.  Please find the call in instructions below:

Conference Dial in number:  513 386 0000
Participant access code:  554254

Whether you are a student, beginning career professional or veteran in the helping professions or our division,We are eagerly looking forward to your participation!
>> Mary Ann Robinson
and Mary Chappell

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