[humanser] twitter message reposted

Merry Schoch merrys at verizon.net
Mon Sep 28 01:51:34 UTC 2015

Hello All,


I was asked on the twitter call that I repost the information that Jeannie
Massey poster earlier.  I want to thank you all who were on the call, but
mostly, a great big huge thanks goes out to "Michael" who saved the day!


In order to participate in the Twitter chat on Blindness and Depression you
must first have a Twitter account. Once that is done, on the date of the
chat you can follow questions and the answers by searching the hash tag

If you would like to pose a question, type in the hash tag followed by the
letter Q followed by your question. 

I am , by no means, an expert on Twitter. It is fairly user friendly and
pretty accessible. If you have questions beyond what I have offered Google
Twitter tutorial. You should be able to find something. 

The date and time off the NEI chat is Tuesday, September 29 at 1:00 ET.

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