[humanser] Thinking about online psychology/counseling, thus questions

Gerardo Corripio gera1027 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 16:10:00 UTC 2016

  HI listers
I'm kind of getting sick and tired of waiting and waiting since I 
sometimes have patients (I work from home) but with the expansion of 
online, and the ability to be able to have payments made via PayPal, I'm 
thinking seriously of going into online counseling. If I were to go this 
route, I've got these questions
1.-Yes I did graduate from university and have other graduate work, thus 
if I get patients let's say in the US., and other countries how would I 
protect myself against possible lawsuits and other malpractice dangers 
that one never knows some people just to give us a hard time, make up?
2.-How much would you guys charge? Here in Mexico, when I give home 
consults/therapies, I charge maybe $250MXN (around $12.50USD).
I think those are all the questions I've got so far. Thanks for info.

Enviado desde mi lap
Gerardo J Corripio Flores Psicólogo, Terapéuta Reiki
Saludos desde Tampico, Tamaulipas México

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