[humanser] Revalidating my psychology degree?

Gerardo Corripio gera1027 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 28 13:15:12 UTC 2016

  HI listers
How easy/hard is to revalidate my Psychology degree and other Diplomas 
like Humanistic Counseling etc? My parents spent money on my education 
here, in Mexico, and now to think that I'd have to start all over again? 
spending another ten years studying, so when I graduate I'll be like 50? 
Aren't there any tests I could take to validate my studies here in 
Mexico if I move to the US? I studied from Elementary through high 
school in the States, and returned here to Mexico because of 
circumstances outside of my control where I studied my Psychology Major, 
and other graduate work in Humanistic Counseling etc. I know this would 
be off-topic since this is a psychology and human-services-orientated 
list, but my goal if I move to the States again, would be to get into 
the access Technology field, applying what I learned in Educational 
Psychology courses (evaluating the client in terms of its 
profile/abilities and other psychological factors to determine what tech 
is the best for him/her) thus what would my course of revalidation and 
study have to be? Lately Psychology by itself has gotten kind of boring 
to be honest with you guys, or might it be because I haven't found the 
joy in? I like yes to give one on one sessions and all, and also maybe 
someday get into Group Therapy, but technology especially 
blindness-related, has become a passion! thus if I could maybe make a 
difference in someone's live by this job?

Enviado desde mi lap
Gerardo J Corripio Flores Psicólogo, Terapéuta Reiki
Saludos desde Tampico, Tamaulipas México

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