[humanser] {Spam?} Re: Revalidating my psychology degree?

JD Townsend 43210 at bellsouth.net
Mon Mar 28 17:44:27 UTC 2016


I am curious.  Your university degrees are good in the States unless you are 
seeking to become licensed as a psychotherapist, then the individual state 
Boards require that certain courses were taken based on the course 
description in the university catalogue;  not all states have the same 

If your idea is to work in access technology you are looking at 
multi-national corporations.  Local sales distributers are the ones who 
match the client with the product, basically a sales position.  The other 
ones who match people with products are each state’s blind services, the 
governmental programs that pay for many client’s adaptive devices. .

I would strongly suggest that you attend this year’s NFB Convention, there 
you will find representatives of both governmental and for-profit 
corporations.  With your educational background you might leave with a job 

JD Townsend LCSW
Helping the light dependent to see.
Daytona Beach, Earth, Sol System 

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