[humanser] FYI

Merry Schoch merrys at verizon.net
Mon May 30 15:27:18 UTC 2016

Hello Human Services division members and interested listserv members,

Below you will find the minutes of the National Federation of the Blind,
Human Services Division,  Education and Development Committee minutes for
the May teleconference meeting.  This committee is very dedicated to our
movement to "Live the Lives We Want".    I submit these minutes to encourage
others to become a part of their work and provide your talents, knowledge,
and experience as they continue to move forward.





Sunday, May 15, 2016


Meeting was called to order at 8:14 PM (EST)

In attendance via phone conference:

.        Mary Ann Robinson:  Committee Co-chair

.        Dr. Mary Chappell:  Committee Co-chair

.        Cecelia Tomney



New Business:

Meeting time

.        Cecelia mentioned the option of exploring alternate meeting times
during the summer.  The consensus was to revisit this topic at the June
meeting and develop a strategy to implement after national convention.


On-Going Business:

Toolkit for Self-advocacy in Higher Education

.        Mary Ann exchanged emails with Valery Yingling at the national
office.  Valery indicated that the toolkit will contain a section on
internships when it is revised in July.


Issues facing newly blinded adults

A lengthy discussion ensued with the following highlights:

While family members can provide support and assistance to the newly blinded
individual, it is recommended that he/she seek information, mentoring,
assistance, and support from one or more people who

.        Possess a positive philosophy and attitude about blindness

.        Have knowledge of laws pertaining to blindness

.        are aware of accommodations that the person should expect in
employment or educational settings

.        Are familiar with educational requirements and the responsibilities
of colleges and universities

.        Can provide information about the job or career that the person is
interested in pursuing from the perspective of a blind person

.        The student or job applicant should become and remain connected
with resources in the blindness field who meet the above qualifications e.g.
an NFB member, chapter or affiliate president, a vocational rehabilitation
employee at a state agency for the blind, a counselor versed in blindness
issues and resources and solutions for resolving them, etc.



Next meeting is set for Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 8PM EST.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:12 PM (EST)

Respectfully submitted by,

Mary Ann Robinson

Committee Co-chair


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