[HumanSer] Fwd: Regarding Contacting Simple Practice Developers

Ashley Townsend ashleytownsend421 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 22:52:56 UTC 2021

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ashley Townsend <ashleytownsend421 at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 3:04 PM
Subject: Regarding Contacting Simple Practice Developers
To: <david.andrews at nfbnet.org>, Merry Schoch,LCSW <merryschoch at verizon.net>


My name is Ashley Townsend and I am a board-certified music therapist and
licensed clinical social worker. I have LCA, and have gradually been losing
my vision since I was a young kid. At this point, I essentially only have
light perception.

I recently moved to Denver from central Florida. I am in contact with
vocational rehab services here and have a wonderful blind tech support
person who I work with weekly to expand my skills and problem solve issues
around work related technology.

I currently have started work with two different practices as an LCSW. Both
utilize Simple Practice as a platform for documentation, scheduling, and

There is the website simplepractice.com and the mobile app version. So far,
it is overall better than the nightmarish electronic medical records
systems I have dealt with in the past in terms of accessibility. However,
there are certain functions that I need to be able to perform regularly
that I am not able to do on the laptop or the mobile app. The calendar is
especially problematic. I have also heard sighted colleagues echo the same

I have reached out to the developers of Simple Practice now and not
received any response. I have heard through other platforms for the blind
and visually impaired in social service that the developers of Simple
Practice are pretty responsive. What I would really love is to be able to
talk to someone on the phone. But I can't seem to find an option to do that.

Any feedback or assistance that you could provide in this matter would be
greatly appreciated. I could really use some support in reaching them and
emphasizing that changing the calendar feature to be more accessible would
benefit blind and sighted clinicians alike.

Thank you so much! I look forward to hearing from you!

Ashley Townsend, MT-BC, LCSW

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