[Iabs-talk] Sample Mentoring Paragraph

Rose Sloan rosesloan2013 at u.northwestern.edu
Mon Nov 12 20:05:55 UTC 2012


For those of you who were not on the call last night, we discussed some
mentoring opportunities for IABS members to get involved in!  For two of
these ideas, it would be helpful to have a little paragraph written about
each member (written by the member).  Below is the paragraph I wrote about
myself. Feel free to use it as a model, but of course, feel free to write
yours however you want!!

These bios will be used to help connect you with student mentees (ie
younger students you would be mentoring) and NFBI mentors (ie more
experienced NFBI members who you can feel free to ask questions to, perhaps
shadow on their job, however we decide to do this program.)

*In general, I am thinking of the paragraph as a 30 second introduction.
 Be sure to include your school, year, major, interests, strengths and
future plans.

Rose Sloan is a senior at Northwestern University where she studies social
policy. She is president of the Illinois Association of Blind Students.
 Currently, Rose is working on her senior honor's thesis which is about No
Child Left Behind and Students with Disabilities.  She is also interning
for Representative Jan Schakowsky.  Rose is looking forward to one day
having a career which involves researching or advocating of education or
disability policy.  In her free time, Rose enjoys doing gymnastics,
singing, and volunteering at a local elementary school.
*Please send your paragraph to me (Rosesloan2013 at u.northwestern.edu) or
Bree (12blillyman at gmail.com) so we can start finding mentors and mentees!  *

Thanks so much everyone,


Rose Sloan
Northwestern University
School of Education and Social Policy l Social Policy
NU Club Gymnastics l President
Promote 360 l Vice-President

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