[Iabs-talk] IABS Idol

J. Chang roseailuj at att.net
Sun Oct 12 15:09:07 UTC 2014

Hello everyone!  With convention right around the corner I wanted to send out some updates about IABS Idol.
Unfortunately, R&B artist Rob Jones is unable to attend the event and will not be performing.  

So, it looks like idol will run similarly to previous years, with one twist.  There will be a costume contest!   We encourage everyone to dress up, I know I will.  

The theme for battle of the chapters is "spooky".  I have gotten submissions from very few chapters, please let me know what you'll be singing!  

We also encourage anyone to submit early, individual submissions can be anything, no theme!  

The event begins promptly at 7:00 p.m. Friday October 31st.  The charge is $5.00 at the door, but includes your first performance!  Subsequent performances will be an additional $5.00 per person per song.  So sing your heart out, support our students and you'll have the chance to be this years IABS Idol!!!

If you have any questions please e-mail at
roseailuj at att.net 

Julia Chang
Secretary, Illinois Association of Blind Students

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