[il-talk] Disability Pride Parade

Kelly Doty kelly at dls.net
Wed Apr 29 03:34:30 UTC 2009

Hello all,

At the last NFBI board meeting, it was decided that our affiliate would 
participate in the Disability Pride Parade in Chicago on July 25, marching 
and having a table during activities held after the parade. The parade 
starts at 11:00 a.m. and activities last until 3:00 p.m. The parade will 
start at the Harold Washington Library and end at Daley Plaza.

I have checked into registering us as a sponsor and as marchers. The form 
asks me to list the members in our group that will be marching. While I can 
add marchers and remove marchers up until the end of June, I would like to 
get some idea of who is interested in marching. Please e-mail me off-list to 
indicate your interest.

Thank you,

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