[il-talk] TROUBLE

Laura Mannon lmannon at comcast.net
Thu Jun 18 02:07:23 UTC 2009

hello all,
I hope that you are all doing well either at Convention or getting ready
for it. But I ask for a favor you could please be thinking of me as I an
having a hard time where I am living. I live in an assisted housing
facility in Aurora. I am one of the only blind individuals in the
building  and to make matters worse I am the only blind individual with
a cane that does not fold. This has caused much trouble in the dinning
room especially in the dining room. Even when I put it under the table
like I have been taught to. Also I am often left out of activities
because I can't see what is going on. They will play card games like Uno
or Phase 10 but they are not Brailed. So I sit and watch them have fun.
I finally decided not to do that anymore. I did start to learn to
crochet but last week the director told me that she told me that she
never thought that I would ever get any where with it  and that I would
never get to make that blanket. TO this I just up and left. The idea of
blindness around here is not one of you can do anything with the right
training. I think they were shocked when I went to the store the other
day and got a shopper assistant for myself and got what I needed at the
store.  I feel like I have been beaten down here and I try to stay in my
room then I am unaware of an activity that I can't participate in
because I am blind. Also I think that the residents have a trouble
acceptng my cane. I have to sit in a special spot in the dining room in
order to accommodate my cane and too please the other residents. Often
this leaves me eating by myself. if anyone has any suggestions to help
me bring me out of this depression That I have been plunged into that
would be of much help.thanks again. I hope that you all enjoy convention
and wish I was there.
Laura Mannon (630)561-6812

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