[il-talk] Parents Seminar

Dale Sczweck dale.sczweck at gmail.com
Sun Apr 10 21:42:39 UTC 2011

Hello all,


Yesterday was an amazing day for me. I feel like I had an opportunity to
meet some amazing parents who are taking all the necessary steps to ensure
their children's ongoing success. It was extremely rewarding to speak on the
panel and I will never forget the kind words that many parents left me with.


I joined the NFB so I could reach out to others who need a hand. I remember
what it was like growing up with next to no blindness support. The only real
support I had was in school, but that only covered academics. All the rest
that we learn as blind people has to be learned through other channels. I
love what the NFB does for blind children and their parents. Let's  keep up
the great work.



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