[il-talk] Connie

J Rauschenbach rauschjc at gmail.com
Sat Jan 5 02:49:22 UTC 2013

Connie and all,
I just can't believe she is gone. I think I just talked with her right after Christmas. At that time she was working on figuring a way to stay with her brother because she was getting to be too much for her parents. She always talked like "when" she gets better, not "if." I just had no idea she was so close. I don't think she did either. A fighter to the end. She looked so great at the IL convention in October. She and I were mostly always close.
And whenever we had a tif, she always wanted to work it out. I am so glad I did. We had so many great laughs together. I will miss her so much. This must be devastating to her parents. 
Never wait to make up or talk with people when they come to mind.

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