[il-talk] Kudos to Illinois 8th District Folks!

Rose Sloan rosesloan920 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 4 11:57:55 UTC 2014


Kudos to Leslie and Glenn, who at very little notice, were able to join me
at Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth's tele-townhall meeting.  Since there were
three of us there, Congresswoman Duckworth answered our question about HR
831.  Although her answer was not what we'd hoped, it sounds like she
sincerely understands the issue.  I will try to schedule a meeting with her
office here in DC soon.

That being said, for those of you in other districts who have Members of
Congress who are not on HR 831 or HR 3505 (That's everyone except Kelly and
Quigley), I urge you to please join your Member's email list.  This is the
best way to stay informed about when your Member will be having town hall
meetings.  Town hall meetings, whether in person or on the phone are
important to attend.  If the moderator sees three blind people in the
audience or receives three or more questions about the same piece of
legislation, they start to get the picture: HR 831 and HR 3505 are
important to their constituents.

Going to town hall meetings is also the perfect way to initiate a meeting
in the district to discuss our issues more in-depth.  It's a good way to
get your foot in the door.

Thank you all for all of your hard work.  Keep it up. (BTW: we are up to 76
co-sponsors on HR 831 and 31 on HR 3505.)


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