[IL-Talk] January 8 Chicago Chapter minutes draft 2

denise avant davant1958 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 4 14:37:58 UTC 2022

Chicago Chapter Meeting Notes 

Hybrid (At Exchequer & on Zoom)

January 8, 2022

Denise began the meeting at 1pm and welcomed all to the meeting. 

She asked everyone on Zoom to mute and for those in person, reminded
everyone that all in person  meetings are masked events except when eating
or drinking in addition to bringing proof of  vaccination. Steve Hastalis is
not able to be here with us this afternoon so if you are paying your
chapter dues you should give them to Denise in addition to anyone who has
not paid for games night.  Patti Chang will be going around during the
Presidential Release to pick up contributions. 


18 in Person

Denise Avant - Chicago Chapter President & Serves as 1st Vice President of
the Illinois Affiliate

Marco Giannotti 

Mary Grunwald - Friendly microphone runner for the day

Pam Gilmore

Ken Schad

Eileen Truschke

Debbie Stein

Francisco Chang - Happy New Year to Everybody

Patti Chang

Ken Borst

Marilyn Green 

Laura Cortingly - Happy New Year

Melissa Fuller

Ed Birmingham

Paul Shepardson

Giovanni Francese

Glenn Moore

14 On Zoom 

Michal Nowicki - Treasurer of the Affiliate and as hoarse as hoarse can be 

David Meyer

Dustin Cather - State Board Member

Steve Hastalis - Chicago Chapter Treasurer, had his last two COVID tests
come out positive so he is  quarantined in his apartment at least until
midweek next week. It was asked how he was feeling, and  he said he has got
some chest congestion but he is ok. 

Denise offered if he needs anything to let her know and she would make sure
to get it to him.

Bob Whitman - Hopes that 2022 is the best year you ever had

Gina Falvo - Member of the Chicago Chapter, hello and happy new year and
prayers to those with  COVID, good year for all of us, be safe and be

Jemal Powell - Hello to all and happy new year, hope all are well, slight
update his father is out  of the hospital and back at home so that is why he
is here virtually to keep him safe

Kira OBradovich - Hello and happy new year, please keep safe 

Katrina Hansen-Edwards- Happy new year

Bill Reif

Alicia Green - Happy New Year

Juliette Walker

Robert Hansen 

Dilip Shaw

Denise then asked Mary to give the mic to Pam Gilmore who then led us in the
NFB Pledge. 

I pledge to participate actively in the effort of the National Federation of
the Blind to achieve  equality, opportunity, and security for the blind; to
support the policies and programs of the  Federation; and to abide by its
constitution. It can be found on our website and Denise encourages  both old
and new to learn it. 

Denise asked for a motion to invite the new members present into the
chapter, it was so moved.  Welcome to the new members, Katrina Hansen and
Alicia Green.

Denise shared that the program item will be next and will be interactive
regarding the new year.  She asked everyone to come up with a goal they have
for themselves and a goal for the chapter. 

Mary went first and said that one of her personal goals is to get better
with technology so that  she can communicate her ideas and thoughts and help
out with those communicating type of things in  our organization better than
she does now. She has started on the journey but its going to take a  while.
For the chapter she wants to help all of us find what our kind of new normal
is going to be  for our lives. 

Denise went next and her personal goal was to stay healthy and well,
additionally going to be  cycling off the chair of the commission of
disability rights in the ADA and will be looking for a  new position,
possibly one that is elevated. As far as the chapter is concerned regardless
of who  is president, she knows that the chapter has been very active and
fun, and she hopes they can come  up with some innovative ideas on how to
make our meetings a fun event. When she was the national  rep for the
Virginia affiliate, they came up with things they do before, during, and
after the  meetings which makes it more exciting.

Alicia Green has a personal goal of venturing outside of her house and be
comfortable doing it  alone. For the chapter she hopes it will grow

Kira shared her personal goal of finding a new job and then for the chapter
helping to come up with  safe and fun fundraising opportunities. 

Dave would like to stay free of COVID this year and he hopes that we end the
year with more  resources than when we began. 

Pam stated that she wants to get a new cell phone which was met with much
hurrah. She wants to  continue to engage with the world as much as she can
since we are bigger than COVID. The last goal  for the chapter is being the
sunshine ambassador to talk to anyone on the telephone who needs to  talk
for any reason. Her phone number is 773-685-1893 and she hopes next month it
will be the same  number. 

Ken Schad shared that one of his personal goals is to learn different things
and looks forward to  learning of new things in NFB meetings and activities.

Jemal shared that he had a couple of goals including keeping himself healthy
and safe from COVID  and for the chapter, to continue to help find and
outreach to new people regarding the chapter and  the affiliate. 

Bill noted that he personally wants to maintain his efforts to participate
in the Chicago Chapter  which does mean coming up to Chicago once in a
while. For the chapter he hopes to help it continue  to change the way blind
people live in Chicago. He would like to see the Chapter doing more trips
together without taking Ubers, working on public transit usage, perhaps as
the weather warms since  he believes it can be done safely.

Gina set a personal goal of keeping healthy and moving and being entertained
and for the chapter it  is doing what we can and gaining new members and
wanted to make sure they know about services like  BSA and Second Sense and
hopes that everyone can keep together and keeping doing what we can. 

Robert shared that this year he wants to get out and participate more, its
been difficult for him  during the COVID period. Denise welcomed him to come
on down.

Marilyns personal goal is to find a new job, while she is employed, she has
found something she  loves in the federation and would like to find a job
that gives her that same fulfillment. Her  personal goal for the affiliate
is to spread the word of the NFB as she had never heard of it until  she met
Denise five years ago. This was met with much celebration from those

Steve would like to lend a hand to those who have a yearning to get out and
go around the city on  public transit and he wants to increase his work in
federal and state legislation since he has worked  on those efforts since
the mid 1970s. 

Michal's personal goal is to visit Russia and is now less worried than COVID
versus a potential  move of Russia to take over Ukraine. For the affiliate
he hopes that the affiliate can find ways to  allow people to have
flexibility to pay for chapter and affiliate events in various ways and to
work with leadership for people to be able to pay in person with a credit or
debit card and ways to  minimize the fees that result from that. 

Debbie Stein would like to be a support to friends and family and to be
available to people and a  positive influence in these crazy times, to stay
active in this organization and other  organizations she is involved with
and in the NFB she wants to continue to carry the torch and get  our message
out in every way she can. She wants to work with people to help them get
involved and  help them to feel a part of this movement that is so important
to all of us. 

Juliette just joined and wants to get into active volunteerism, stay
healthy, and get full  employment. She also plans to increase her activities
with NFB.

Dave then played the Presidential Release which can always be found in audio
and print at

Denise then reminded everyone Patti had gone around to collect and Patti
shared that we included  $114 in cash and that did not include Zelle. In the
past 45 minutes, Denise noted that others had  joined the meeting in person.
Giovanni Francese and Glenn Moore introduced themselves. 

She then invited our affiliate president Marilyn Green to speak. Marilyn
introduced herself and  said jokingly that she is stepping down as state
president so she can win a National Scholarship.  First piece of information
for the state report was a reminder of the National Convention July 5-10  in
New Orleans. She has made her reservation and encourages everyone to do the
same. The Jernigan  scholarship for first time national attendees will be
available with information coming soon. She  then spoke about Washington
Seminar 2022 which will be a hybrid event. The great gathering in will  be
on February 7 with appointments on February 8-10 and you may be called to
attend the meeting  virtually. From the Chicago Chapter there are three
members attending in person, Marilyn Green,  Mary Lou Grunwald, and Dustin
Cather. Teresa Fabre will be there in person as a state scholarship  winner
and several people will be attending virtually including Steve Hastalis,
Ellen Bartelt,  Debbie Gooden who is the parent of a blind child from
downstate, Denise Avant, Kira OBradovich,  and Amari Richardson. Four pieces
of legislation will be taken to the hill including the Access  Technology
Affordability Act including $2000 refundable tax credit, Transformation to
Competitive  Employment Act, 21st Century Mobile App Act, Medical Device
Act. She is looking forward to meeting  with our representative on these

The Midwest Student Seminar is coming up quickly, the weekend of March 18-20
and will take place at  the Holiday Inn OHare, the room rate is $100 per
night and if you know any students who would like  to attend please
encourage them to sign up. Information has gone out at least one time on
IABS and  IL-Talk. If financial assistance is needed, they can go to
nfbofillinois.org and click on the tab  for the seminar and you can find the
unique Midwest Student Seminar application for the  Chappell/Dennis
Scholarship. The agenda and more information will be available soon on our
website  and you can contact Ellen Bartelt with any questions. 

Marilyn then invited Debbie to speak regarding our programs. Debbie shared
that our state  scholarship program, the NFBI state scholarship program is
up on the website and the deadline is  the same as the national one. If you
are going to apply for one you should apply for both. To be  eligible to be
an Illinois scholarship applicant you must either be a resident of Illinois
or a student studying in Illinois. Requirements include transcripts,
application, letter of  recommendation, personal essay, and proof of
blindness. Please spread the word and encourage anyone  who may be eligible
to look at the nfbofilliois.org/scholarships website. With any questions you
can contact either Debbie or Patti who is her co-chair. 

For the BELL Academy, Braille Enrichment for Literacy and Learning, will
have two braille programs  this year in Illinois and students will also have
the option of doing both virtually. Chicago Bell  will be at the Chicago
Lighthouse and a Springfield residential program for kids and parents and
there will be the virtual Bell which can be found on the National website.
BELL is a program for  kids between the ages of 4 and 12 meant to enhance
the reading of Braille. All of the activities that are  done involve braille
in some way including field trips, games, and cooking lessons. We will be
recruiting to help out with these programs so if you are interested in
volunteering please get in  touch with her. The virtual program will have
classes in English and Spanish. 

Patti asked since some appointments are virtual, will those not assigned to
Washington seminar be allowed to attend virtually just knowing they wont be
able to  speak. If you live in the district, we will contact you to ask that
you attend the session. Right  now we only have one in person meeting
scheduled. Patti shared that 14 affiliates have decided to  go entirely
virtual. Steve asked that he be kept in touch  about Jan Schakowsky's
appointment since  she has  supported our bills. Denise shared that once we
have answers to whether or not meetings are in  person or virtual we will
have more info but that you may not hear from us until the end of January
or the beginning of February.

We had a bit of a mishap with last months secretary minutes as it was not
recorded so Denise put  together a bystander report and asked if we could
get a motion to approve these minutes. Dave noted  that there is an
additional H in the Access to Technology Act that needs to be deleted.
Minutes  were approved. 

Steve Hastalis then gave the treasury report. Fourth Quarter 2021, 

Beginning balance Friday October 1, 2021, $3,162 

Income: Cane tips, 3 at $2 a piece, subtotal $6, Read-a-Thon $25, Monthly
collections Saturday Nov  13, $558.80 and Saturday Dec 11, 2021 $222, Dues
$5 x 20 annually subtotal $100, Beggars pizza  corporate, $178.93 Beggars
pizza additional donations $117, additional donations above the actual  bid
price $145, and Christmas Auction $2,450 which was a record, total income

Expenses: NFB preauthorized contribution to national office $150, Outreach
Reimbursement $50.80,  NFBI 15 for funds part 2 second pledge $500, and NFBI
half of IABS for Cooking Class $25, Total  Expenses $725.80. 

Ending Balance Friday December 31, 2021 $5, 716.93

Steve thanked everyone for contributing.

Patti asked why we had $25 for the Read-A-Thon as one person who sponsored
paid late, Steve  confirmed that the rest of the funds were already paid in
the second and third quarters of the year.

4th Quarter Treasury Report was approved. 

Kira then shared that the legislative committee will be meeting on zoom on
this same line this  Tuesday at 7pm. The committee is working on the
permanent scooter plans the city has to ensure  Steve and Kira met with the
city in December to ensure braille and large print be easily accessible  on
each item, advocating for sound on the devices, and other safety and
accessibility concerns.  Planning to roll out by April and there will be up
to 6,000 in the city. Since they havent chosen  a company, yet we want to
ensure we have a voice on who is chosen and to be in contact with them to
ensure they plan and continue to work with us. So, if you are interested in
getting involved with  this and working with us please join the meeting on

There was no old business. 

For new business, Mary Lou shared that the application she filled out for
Washington Seminar was  the first time she ever filled out something online
on the computer which was met with much  applause.

Denise then shared that those staying for games night should stay in that
room and they should have  it up until 8pm with the pizza coming out between
4 and 5pm. 

Dilip Shah shared that he was invited to come to this meeting by Marilyn and
its his first  meeting, he would like to join again and is interested in
helping out with Washington Seminar.

Denise reminded everyone that our meetings are the second Saturday of every
month at Exchequer or  over Zoom. The next meeting will take place at 1pm on
February 12th. 

The meeting was then adjourned.

Signed and Submitted by, 

Kira OBradovich




Denise Avant, ESQ

1st Vice President

National Federation of the Blind of Illinois

For more information about NFBI,

Go to www.nfbofillinois.org


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