[Jayhawk-chapter] Getting To Orlando

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Fri Apr 22 04:23:00 UTC 2011

Dear Homers On The Range

In view of rising air travel costs, air traffic controllers sleeping on the job, post 911 airport security hastles, baggage handling fees and other nickeling diming practices, and other hastles I could name but won't, it is getting more attractive to think about renting mini vans to make the cross country trek to Orlando. If there were 2 drivers available per vehicle, we would have the choice of continuous highway travel except for meal and fuel stops, or making overnight road stops en route. This arrangement would also give us the added advantage of transportation in Orlando for evening outings and other side excursions as we did in Dallas. I cordially invite your thoughts and impressions and I wish a happy easter season to all, whatever significance it has for you.

Best regards and friendship to all,
Rob Tabor & Guide Cane Raúl Junior
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