[Jayhawk-chapter] October Minutes

Cheryl Miller cheributton at live.com
Tue Nov 12 19:13:32 UTC 2013

Hello, friends. The minutes from our last meeting are attached and copied below. Hope all are well. Cheryl 

NFB Kansas Jayhawk Chapter

Meeting Minutes 

Date: October 19, 2013


Call to Order: Rob called the meeting to order at 1:17 p.m.


Introduction of Guests: There were no guests present.


National Presidential Release by Dr. Marc Maurer: We listened to presidential release #421.


Chapter President's Report: Anna Hindman, a student at Emporia State University and a member of the at-large chapter of the Kansas affiliate of the NFB, has won a case that she filed against the state of Kansas. The case involved the refusal of Voc-Rehab to pay her room and board for her stay on campus at Emporia State. This was in violation of federal rules. Thus, there was an out of court settlement.


Rob reminded us that we need to get our registration forms for our state convention completed and submitted, along with our checks, to Bob. In addition, reservations at the Wichita East Holiday Inn need to be made promptly.   


Chapter Vice President's Report: Athena expressed her thanks to everyone who worked at the tabling event downtown. She also informed members that there have been additions made to the locations that the T Lift will be selling the passes from. All three Dillon's stores and both HyVees are now on their list of selling sites.


Approval of Minutes: The September minutes had no additions or corrections, and they were approved as written. 


Chapter Treasurer's Report: Bob reported that our current balance is $1,295.44. The treasurer's report was approved.


Old Business: Rob expressed his thanks to Renee, her husband and their band for the music at our tabling event. All agreed that they were awesome, and that it was because of their music that we received as much money as we did. There was some additional discussion concerning our responsibilities at the event, and things that we could possibly do differently next year. It was suggested that we update our contact information on our banner and literature. We need a current phone number, and Rob and Bob are going to explore the possibility of setting up an account with Google Voice. 


The other "Meet the Blind" event was the mayoral proclamation. Rob, Renee, Sidney and Harland attended. Renee received the proclamation and gave a nice talk about our chapter and what we are doing. 


The next item on the agenda was the Kansas state convention. A car is going to be rented for transportation. There was a considerable amount of discussion concerning whether or not the cost of renting this vehicle should be paid out of the chapter treasury. It was noted that in the past, transportation costs had been the responsibility of the attendees. Ultimately, Athena made a motion that there be travel "reimbursement, on a chapter level, of 40 cents a mile, per vehicle that is going to attend the state convention." The motion carried unanimously. Bob asked Rob to go ahead and handle the car rental and said that he would then reimburse him. Bob clarified that the total reimbursement would be $120.00 (300 miles @ .40 a mile).


Rob reminded us that if we wanted assistance for attendance at the Washington seminar, we need to request it.


The next order of business was a report on the iPhone training seminars that Rob conducted in Wichita on October 5. There were people in attendance from both Wichita and Salina, and it was held at Wichita library branches. It was a positive experience. 


Rob confirmed that our Christmas party is set for December 7th at 5:00 p.m. It will be at the Freestate Brewing Company. 


Rob stated that he would like to get back to our knowledge base program. He solicited any ideas that we might have concerning this. He stated that he would like to suggest that we have a representative of the transit authority to provide us with a list of transportation options in Lawrence. Rob will try to schedule this for our November meeting.


New Business: There were no matters of new business.


Meeting Adjournment: Sidney made a motion for adjournment and Ron seconded. 


Date of Next Meeting: November 16, 2013


Respectfully Submitted,

Cheryl Miller

Jayhawk Chapter Secretary

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