[Jayhawk-chapter] FW: KS Representatives have been Contacted; Follow Up Requested

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jun 10 16:03:14 UTC 2014

Good morning Fellow Kansas Federationists,


It is time to speak out in large numbers in support of the Fair Wages for
Workers With Disabilities Act, HR 831 which is still pending in the US House
and is still in need of more co-sponsors. Below is a message from Rose Sloan
of our governmental affairs unit at national office and includes the email
addresses of legislative assistants to all four members of the Kansas
delegation. We don't want you to duplicate Mrs. Sloan's email, but instead I
commend and encourage you to put as much of a personal touch to the fair
wages issue as you can. Also, make a point of informing the legislative
assistant of the House member's district in which you live that you live in
his her district. For example, I will inform Colin Brainard that I live and
am registered to vote in Congresswoman Jenkins' district. This important
piece of information adds extra weight to your message, especially since
this is an election year. Per her request, please CC any emails to Rose
Sloan you send to the respective Congressional staff members.


Thanks to all of yu for helping to advocate for fair and equal compensation
for blind and disabled workers in Kansas and elsewhere.


Best regards,

Rob Tabor _ Legislative Liaison, NFB of Kansas


From: Sloan, Rose [mailto:rsloan at nfb.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 9:31 AM
To: donnajwood at cox.net; rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Subject: KS Representatives have been Contacted; Follow Up Requested


Good Morning Donna and Rob, 


As you may have seen posted on the legislative directors' listserv last
week, Congressman Gregg Harper had an article about HR 831 published in The
Hill.  I am writing to let you know that last week, I sent the below email
to the following legislative assistants of Republican Representatives from



Legislative Assistant


Tim Huelskamp

Anna Fronzaglia

anna.fronzaglia at mail.house.gov

Mike Pompeo

Blake Hollander

blake.hollander at mail.house.gov

Lynn Jenkins 

Colin C. Brainard

colin.brainard at mail.house.gov  <mailto:colin.brainard at mail.house.gov> 

Kevin Yoder

Matt Manda

matt.manda at mail.house.gov


Any follow up you can facilitate would be greatly appreciated.  Please ask
those that you recruit to cc me when they reach out to the legislative


Please let me know if you have any questions, and I sincerely appreciate all
of your hard work-together we will ensure that people with disabilities are
paid the fair wages we deserve.  


Yours in the fight for fair wages,






Good Morning Anna,


I write on behalf of seventy-five disability organizations to respectfully
ask for Representative Huelskamp's support for H.R. 831: the Fair Wages for
Workers with Disabilities Act. Sponsored by Congressman Gregg Harper, the
father of an adult child with Fragile X syndrome, H.R. 831 will phase out
Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 which allows entities
to pay people with disabilities subminimum wages.  


Did you have a chance to read the op-ed
<http://thehill.com/opinion/op-ed/208132-subminimum-wage-must-end>  by
Congressman Harper in Wednesday's edition of The Hill? Congressman Harper
points out that people with disabilities can currently be paid pennies per
hour. This could have happened to his son. H.R. 831 will responsibly phase
out this outdated practice, allowing workers with disabilities to reach
their maximum potential.


Can we count on Representative Huelskamp to cosponsor H.R. 831? Please find
the bill language and list of supporting organizations attached. To
cosponsor, please email Scot Malvaney at
<mailto:Scot.Malvaney at mail.house.gov> Scot.Malvaney at mail.house.gov.  


Thank you,


Rose Sloan 


Rose Sloan

Government Affairs Specialist

National Federation of the Blind


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