[Jayhawk-chapter] Sorry

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jun 22 12:14:47 UTC 2014

Cheryl, excellent work on these minutes as usual. I imagine it feels good to
have them already done. This was the most fun I've had in a long time,
although I do find our meetings enjoyable overall, but this one was
especially gleeful. Sidney, you were definitely in rare form. Thanks for the
laughs! I'll let you all know how national convention goes, and thanks for
the help.


Warmest regards,



From: Jayhawk-chapter [mailto:jayhawk-chapter-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
Of Cheryl Miller via Jayhawk-chapter
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2014 9:20 PM
To: jayhawk-chapter at nfbnet.org
Subject: [Jayhawk-chapter] Sorry


It just occurred to me that I only sent the minutes as an attachment.
Therefore, I am pasting them below. Thanks, Cheryl


NFB Kansas Jayhawk Chapter

Meeting Minutes 

Date: June 21, 2014


Call to Order: The June meeting was called to order at 1:18 p.m.


National Presidential Release by Dr. Marc Maurer: There was not a
presidential release this month due to convention preparations.


Chapter President's Report: Rob reminded us that national convention is
coming up from July 1 to July 6. Rob is the only one from our chapter who
will be attending. We are expecting 7-8 attendees from Wichita. From Emporia
will come Anna "Anya" Avramenko, a national scholarship winner. After
twenty-eight years serving as the Federation's national president, this will
be Dr. Maurer's last national convention serving in that capacity. Dr.
Maurer is endorsing Dr. Mark Riccobono as our next national president. That
will be decided at national convention. 


Chapter Vice President's Report: There was no vice-presidential report.


Approval of Minutes: There were no additions or corrections to the minutes
and they were approved as written.


Chapter Treasurer's Report: Brendy reported that our current balance is


Old Business: Rob reported on the continued planning of the state
convention. The convention is being held at the Holidome in Lawrence on
November 21-23.  Two pre-convention activities have been planned. The first
is a cooking demonstration which will be held at the Mercantile. The other
option for a pre-convention activity is a presentation by Loren Schmidt
about the BELL program. The main theme of the convention is Braille
literacy.  Rob has arranged for post banquet entertainment. Bradford Hoopes
and Ardys Ramberg, local musicians will provide us with an eclectic mix of


Rob advised us that we will receive $200.00 from the fund raiser that was
held at Freddie's on May 22. Yeah!


New Business: The first order of new business was the announcement that
there are plans to launch an educational campaign in an effort to instruct
our legislatures about Newsline. The idea is to familiarize them with it by
explaining what it is, what is does for the blind and why it is important
for it to have a stable funding base. Immediate plans include the
distribution of a document to members of the Kansas Federation which will
detail how to find our legislatures and what points we should cover in our
communication with those legislatures. After the August primary, we need to
start making contact with legislatures, and after the election in November,
we will begin addressing the issue of money. We essentially need the State
to allocate $90,000 toward the funding of Newsline. Two funding streams will
be proposed. The first is the request that it be made a line item in the VR
budget. The other proposed means of funding is the universal service fund
which is a special fund created for special telecommunication projects like
phones with particular adaptations.


Sidney proposed that we provide Rob with $200.00 toward his national
convention expenses. The vote was a unanimous yes.


Rob is appointing a nominating committee. Athena is going to chair that.
Sidney and Cheryl volunteered to assist her.


It was decided that the park fees that will be incurred from our August
picnic will be paid for out of our treasury. Brendy moved that our chapter
spend up to $50.00 toward the picnic. Cheryl seconded. It passed


Meeting Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 2:10 p.m.


Date of Next Meeting:

There will be no meeting in July. On August 16th we will have a picnic with
a brief business meeting.


Respectfully Submitted,

Cheryl Miller

Jayhawk Chapter Secretary




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