[Jayhawk-chapter] November Meeting Agenda and Reminder Notes

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Wed Nov 12 05:11:05 UTC 2014

Greetings Jayhawk Federationists,


The 2014 state affiliate convention is just around the bend and we are
fortunate to have one more meeting amongst ourselves to make sure all the
ducks are in a row and quacking loudly. <lol> SO let's all have our thinking
caps on because many heads are better than one.


As a final reminder for those who plan to lodge at the Holiday Inn during
convention weekend (nov 21/23) the convention rate of $95 per night is
guaranteed through this Friday, November 14. You may book your room
reservation online at


or by phone at 841/7077.


Below and attached you will find the November meeting agenda.  I look
forward to seeing you all on Saturday.


Best regards,

Rob Tabor _ Jayhawk Chapter president




MEETING AGENDA FOR November 15, 2014

Time:          1:00pm - 3:00pm

Location:    Independence, Inc., 2001 Haskell Avenue, Lawrence, KS



1.     Call to order, welcome and introductions (when guests are present)

2.     Review/modification of meeting agenda

3.     presidential Release No. 433 by Dr. Mark Riccobono, NFB National

4.     Chapter president's report 

5.     Chapter vice president's report

6.     Approval of September and October 2014 minutes

7.     Chapter treasurer's report

8.     Continued planning & progress reports for 2014 state convention i/d/a

(a)  State and chapter financial assistance i/d/a

(b) Supplies for hospitality room/suite

(c)  Door prizes

(d) Exhibitors/vendors

(e)  Other state convention business i/d/a

9.     Donation to Independence, Inc. in appreciation of free access to
meeting space i/d/a

10. Knowledge Base. YouTube video on new NAGDU smartphone app 

11. December holiday social at Marisco's i/d/a

12. Other old business

13. Other new Business



Holiday Social 12/05/2014, Marisco's 4821 W. 6th, Lawrence, 6:00pm



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