[Jayhawk-chapter] November Chapter Meeting Changed to Teleconference

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Sat Nov 15 02:52:29 UTC 2014

Good evening all,


As you know based on the phone conversations I've had with most if not all
of you, the chapter meeting will not be held at Independence, Inc., due to
overwhelmingly probable inclement weather. Instead of meeting face to face
we will convene via the NFBK teleconferencing system. We will begin the
meeting at 1:00pm as per usual. The meeting will probably not be of the
usual duration, but we want to meet long enough to complete the 2014 state
convention planning process. The dial-in procedures are as follows:


1.       Dial 916 233-4200 unlimited long distance or

2.       866 476-8702 toll free

3.       At the prompt dial the access code 950655#.

So stay warm and I'll catch you on the conference call.


Best regards,


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