[Jayhawk-chapter] Get Well Wishes to Charlie Hurst

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Tue Feb 17 03:53:25 UTC 2015

Good evening NFB colleagues,


I'm sad to have to report that Renee Morgan's husband Charlie Hurst suffered
a major stroke this past Saturday morning and is undergoing intensieve care
at KU Medical Center in KCK. At this time Charlie is paralyzed on his right
side and is unable to speak. It heartens me to hear Renee inform me he is
receiving excellent treatment from a top flight team of physicians.


Please keep Charlie and Renee in your thoughts and prayers. If he can pull
through this crucial stabilization phase, they will need all the sstrength
they can muster to deal with a lengthy rehab and recovery regimen.


Best regards,

Rob Tabor | 1st vice president, nFB of KS

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