[Jayhawk-chapter] Get Ready TO Dine With Freddy!

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Mon May 11 04:15:36 UTC 2015

Dear fellow Jayhawk Federationists,


It's not too early to begin to whet your appetites for those yummalicious
steakburgers, shoestring fies, and frozen custard. What a better way to
spend your Tuesday evenings than enjoying a delicious meal with your family
or friends while raising funds to benefit the ongoing important work of the
federation. We need to get our evening meal somewhere, right? So why not
Freddy's this Tuesday evening from 5:00pm to 8:00pm. 


Freddy's Frozen Custards and Steakburgers is located at 2030 West 23rd right
here in beautiful west Lawrence near the intersection of 23rd and Iowa. So
let's have some fun and raise some funds for NFB. Here's hoping to see you
all there.


Best regards,

Rob Tabor | president Jayhawk Chapter nFB of Kansas

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