[Jayhawk-chapter] Convention Registration Form for 2015

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Mon Nov 2 20:46:09 UTC 2015

Greetings fellow Federationists,


In less than 3 weeks we will be gathered at the Hotel at Old Town Wichita
for the historic 2015 state convention which runs from Friday, November 20,
through 12pm on Sunday, November 22, 2015, and there is no time like the
present to get registered as advanced registration will save you $5 for each
person you are registering. If you want the full monte, e.g., registration,
lunch on Saturday, and the Saturday evening banquet meal, your total will be
$45 per person. Registration at the convention site will be $50.


For your convenience I have attached the convention registration form as
extracted from the Fall 2015 issue of Tap Tracks. Registration and payment
information is included and is very straightforward. I look forward to
seeing you all at convention.


Best regards,

Rob Tabor | First vice president National Federation of the blind of Kansas

(785) 841-3875/L

(785) 865-9959/M

Rob dot tabor at sbcglobal dot net 

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