[Jayhawk-chapter] chapter minutes 10/17/15
Brendy Latare
6brendy at sbcglobal.net
Wed Nov 4 04:38:47 UTC 2015
Hello all,
Following and attached are the October minutes. Please let me know of any additions or corrections.
Also, I am embarrassed to ask, but am I the only one who has forgotten to pay dues?? Ron, let me know if there is a convenient time when you are in Lawrence, and I can get the check to you. 785-424-4679 Otherwise I can bring it to convention.
One more thing—today when I got home I found in my mailbox a check for $50 from a neighbor who saw the Salty Iguana flyer I emailed to the neighborhood group, and wanted to add to our fundraising total! Nice, huh?? So I have TWO checks for you Ron.
See everyone soon in Wichita,
Jayhawk Chapter NFBKS
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Lawrence Public Library Room A
The meeting was called to order at 1:08 pm.
In attendance: Rob Tabor, Susan Tabor, Renee Morgan, Charles Hurst, Cheryl Miller, Ron Miller, Athena Johnson, Dustin Disque, Tom Anderson, Sidney Roedel, Brendy Latare
Presidential Release #443 was played.
President’s report:
Rob reported that the Meadowlark (formerly Kansas at-large) Chapter and the Student Division are still working on becoming formally chartered. Both now have a full slate of officers. Tom Anderson has mentored the student division, and is also interested in starting a Communities of Faith division.
The next state board meeting will be by teleconference on November 1 at 3:00 pm. A reminder will be sent out by email.
Our Meet the Blind Month activities were less successful this year than in years past, but one bright spot was the mayoral proclamation that took place at the Lawrence City Commission meeting on October 6. Vice President Renee Morgan represented our chapter and accepted a certificate declaring October to be Meet the Blind Month, and October 15 White Cane Safety Day. It was decided that the paper certificate be stored in the Treasurer’s book. Renee reported that also in attendance that night were Walk-to-School Month supporters and supporters of Indigenous Peoples Day, October 12, 2015, so the crowd was large.
There was a short discussion about the proposed activity which had been to invite city leaders to experience a street crossing under sleep shades.
Rob proposed that next year we try to combine MTBM with a volunteer activity.
Vice President’s report:
Renee reported on the city commission meeting and accepting the mayoral proclamation.
Secretary’s report:
September minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s report:
Ron reported no change in our bank balance; we have currently $710.20.
State Convention update:
Julie Deden, Director of The Colorado Center for the Blind, will be our National Rep in Wichita, November 20-22.
Pre-registration is encouraged. The form is in October Tap Tracks and on the state website. In advance, registration + lunch + banquet = $45; at convention the total is $50. Registration may be emailed to robertfuller584 at gmail.com and payment may be sent through Paypal to treasurer at nfbks.org.
Room rate at Hotel Old Town in Wichita is $109, but may be subsidized down to $80-$90 by the board. There will be an announcement after the Nov. 1 board meeting, so members are advised to wait until then to make room reservations.
On the subject of transportation to convention, several of us plan to go at different times, mostly Friday evening. Tom will check with Susie Stanzel about renting a van and carpooling with Johnson County Chapter.
We can communicate via the email list to coordinate rides.
Officer Election:
Athena presented the slate: Rob, President; Renee, Vice President; Ron, Treasurer; Brendy, Secretary. For each office, there was a motion and a second, and each of the officers were unanimously elected. Rob made a brief statement thanking Athena, all the officers, and the membership for participating in the governance of our chapter.
Our upcoming fundraiser will be held at Salty Iguana in Lawrence, all day on Wednesday, October 28, good for dine-in or carry-out. When a customer mentions our Jayhawk Chapter of NFB, Salty Iguana will donate 10% or 15% of the sale (a different number was given by two different managers).
Brendy will find out their address and hours, and create a flyer that we can use to publicize the event, then email it to the membership.
Another potential fundraiser is Community Mercantile’s “Change for Our Community”. In this program customers can round-up their bill and donate the change, donate any extra pocket change, and donate the 5-cent bag refund to a single designated recipient, chosen by The Merc from applications received.
Rob has filled out the application and written a cover letter, Sidney has printed them and will deliver to Nancy O’Connor, The Merc’s Outreach Coordinator.
Chapter website:
Rob reported on the development of a website for our chapter. He has received training from Cisco Academy for the Visually Impaired and used Wordpress, a platform for creating blogs and websites. We will be able to use a website for many things: visibility and outreach; meeting notices, agendas, minutes, and calendar of events; links to the national website/resources, Paypal for dues and donations, and social media outlets. National Federation will serve as host, so the only expense to us will be for purchasing the domain name. Rob proposed something like “JayhawkNFB.org”, and recommends using the company NameCheap, which other chapters have used. They charge $27.64 for 2 years, which includes a security package called WhoIsGuard. There was a motion and second, and we voted unanimously to reimburse Rob the $27.64.
Holiday gathering:
Susan reported that she has made a reservation at Legends Sports Bar, 1540 Wakarusa Drive in Lawrence, on Saturday, Dec. 12, at 5:00. for our holiday party. We will again have a white elephant gift exchange, so anyone who wants to participate should bring a wrapped gift.
Washington Seminar:
Rob, Susan, and Tom will attend from Jayhawk chapter. Dates are Monday, Jan. 25-28, in Washington, DC.
Kansas State Capitol Kiosks:
Cheryl has heard that the touch screen kiosks in the Capitol building Visitor’s Center are not accessible, which would violate Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Our chapter has been talking for a while about making a group visit to try them out. Rob and Cheryl will try to coordinate a visit before our November state convention, so that we have the facts before possibly introducing a resolution to correct the situation.
iOS device training:
Rob will offer training on iOS devices and the NFB Connect app, based on interest from individual members.
Old Business: none
New Business: none
Meeting adjourned at 2:58 pm.
Next meeting: Holiday party at Legends, 1540 Wakarusa Drive, 5:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Brendy Latare
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