[Jayhawk-chapter] ANncouncing NCAA Basketball Tournament Pool Fundraiser

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Wed Mar 7 16:05:45 UTC 2018

Dear Kansas Federationists,


The Jayhawk Chapter of NFB of Kansas is preparing to launch its fourth
annual NCAA men's Division 1A basketball tournament fundraising pool. Each
participant is asked to donate $5 to submit an online bracket via an
accessible website developed several years ago by Terrill Thompson, formerly
of Lawrence. A Salty Iguana Mexican restaurant gift card will be awarded to
the winner of the Jayhawk NFB private pool based on the highest cumulative
point total when the national NCAA basketball champion has been determined.
A second salty Iguana gift card will be awarded to the member who recruits
participants outside of the Federation Kansas affiliate.


The NCAA tournament selection committee will announce pairings and brakets
for all four NCAA regions at 6:00pm this coming Sunday on your local CBS
affiliate. The ESPN family of stations will also have extensive coverage of
Selection Sunday. Hard to believe Selection Sunday is just 4 days away.


I will convene an informational conference call onb Monday, March 12 at
8:00pm., to explain the basics of the NCAA college basketball tournament
system, demonstrate how to navigate the accessible website, and answer
questions. To joinb to the call, first dial 916-235-1420, then enter the
access code for the NFB of Kansas channel, 879925, followed by the hash (#)
key. Last but not least, an informational letter explains the login and
donation process in detail. Please contact me if interested.


Best regards,

Rob Tabor | president National Federation of the Blind of Kansas

(785) 865-9959

rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net


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