[Jayhawk-chapter] Vote Tallies Announced

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Sun May 20 12:11:35 UTC 2018

Good morning Jayhawk Federationists,


AS you probably recall, we held our regular monthly business meeting on
Saturday, May 12. Due to lthe absence of a quorum, we had 2 live motions for
which a decision needed to be taken via email vote. The first was a motion
to provide financial assistance at the rate of $150 per person for 2 chapter
members to attend the 2018 National convention in Orlando. The tally on this
one was 9 in favor, none opposed, and 1 abstention.


The second motion was to change our meeting date/time either to the third
Friday of the month at 5:00pm or the third Saturday at 11:00 am., one hour
later than our current meeting time. Saturday won hands down by a vote oof 9
to 2. Therefore, we wwill meet at 11:00am at the Lawrence Public Library
beginning on August 18, 2018.


Thank you all for your prompt response to these important matters, and I'll
see you at the chapter social at Conroy's Pub on Saturday, June 16 at
4:30pm. Meanwhile, have a fabulous Memorial Day weekend.


Best regards,

Rob Tabor president Jayhawk Chapter, National Federation of the Blind of

(785) 865-9959

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