[Jayhawk-Chapter] Tina Update

Susan Tabor souljourner at sbcglobal.net
Sun Aug 25 02:43:29 UTC 2019

Hi, everyone:


My friend Monica called me today with an update on Tina.  Monica has been
there every day at Overland Park Regional Medical Center in the I.c.u. where
Tina's room is.  The staff is letting visitors come and go and is fine about
people visiting.


Tina's body had a rest from surgery today and will tomorrow as well.  On
Monday they'll begin to work on the punctures in her lungs.  The sooner they
can repair those, the sooner they can look at taking her off the ventilator
so she can build up her lungs and start breathing on her own again.


Monica said that the doctors are encouraged that her body is responding with
treatment.  They are saying that it will be a very long haul with many
surgeries ahead, and rehabilitation, but they feel she'll recover, unless
something happens we don't know about yet.  Her brain was not injured, her
spine was not injured and her arms and legs are not broken, all of which are
miracles, as far as I'm concerned.  Her torso and hip area took the brunt of
the hit.  Monica said something about a crushed hip, and if that's the case,
she may get a hip replacement.  Of the joint replacements, hips are the
easiest in terms of rehabilitation and recovery.


Her parents are still here and are doing a lot of errand-running.  Megan has
been there every day.  Jane, Tina's other roommate, is to return from Europe
early this coming week.


I plan to go visit sometime this week before I leave for St. Louis on
Thursday.  I will take the love of our chapter members with me.

Blessings on all,

Susan T.

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