[Jayhawk-chapter] FW: Summary of Financial Fraud presentation by Timothy Phelps

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Sat Feb 2 15:15:39 UTC 2019

Good morning KS Federationists and other list members,


At its teleconference meeting on Tuesday, January 22, Timothy Phelps, a consumer fraud analyst for Capitol Federal Savings Bank, gave aninformational presentation on the growing problem of identity theft and other forms of financial fraud. I am communicating Mr. Phelps’s summary of his talk to benefit all of us, thus the crosss-posting to both the state and Jayhawk chapter lists. Be well and be informed.


Best regards,

Rob Tabor | Treasurer Blind Senior Division National Federation of the Blind of Kansas

(785) 865-9959

Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net


From: Timothy Phelps [mailto:TPhelps at capfed.com] 
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2019 2:51 PM
To: rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Subject: RE: Fraud Seminar Follow Up


Good Afternoon Rob!


Attached is an overview of what I discussed in the fraud call. We didn’t have a concise, public friendly version so I typed one up!


Have a great weekend!








Timothy Phelps

Fraud Strategy Analyst

Capitol Federal Savings

700 S Kansas Ave

Topeka, KS 66603-3809





 TPhelps at capfed.com


  <http://www.capfed.com> capfed.com

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From: Timothy Phelps 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 4:01 PM
To: 'rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net' <rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Fraud Seminar Follow Up


Hey Rob,


Sorry I missed your call earlier today. I will get a condensed version of the topics I spoke about to you hopefully by the end of the week! 


Thank you for reaching out and letting me speak about this growing issue. 






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