[Jayhawk-chapter] Jayhawk Chapter Minutes

Tamara Kearney tamara at gatetoserenity.com
Wed Feb 13 00:02:12 UTC 2019

Jayhawk Chapter Minutes

Jan. 14, 2019

Call to order: 4:12 pm.

Rob played the presidential release no. 479.

State Report: We are preparing to participate in the Washington seminar in a meaningful way. Letters requesting appointments have gone out to senators and representatives, and as of this date, Rob already has two confirmed appointments. Six people from our state affiliate will be going. Renée will participate from our chapter. The state affiliate is providing financial assistance at the rate of $800 per person or $900 for students. After some discussion, a motion was made and seconded to supplement Renée’s expenses with an extra $300 of chapter funds.  Rob will be hosting a conference call for those participating in the Washington seminar from our state. 

The national board wants us to increase our membership. They have asked that each state appoint a membership chairman. Ashley Neybert has been appointed. Each chapter will, in turn, appoint a chapter membership chairman. Tamara was asked if she would take on this responsibility. She said that she would get back to the group about that.

At the board meeting on Jan. 6 Dick Mellinger, who handles our portfolio, reported that we are having to dip into it to manage our expenses. We haven’t lost money, but we haven’t gained any either.

Donna Wood will be chairing our state convention committee again this year. It will be in Salina. 

Minutes: The minutes were approved as read.

Treasurer’s Report: We have $1382.82. The treasurer’s report was approved as read. 

Fund raising: We raised $400 from the trivia night event. Trivia night was very successful. We plan to have another one again this year. Next time maybe we could do more promotion. 

NCAA fund raiser: The secret to making money on this is to get more people to join us. We could make a flyer to hand out to people to tell them about this. 

New Business: Rob will assist Lynda to get her new computer set up to receive email from the Jayhawk Chapter mailing list.

Chapter News: Jim Secor has been hospitalized so Rob called him during the meeting so we could wish him well. 

Renée is finishing her first year at her new job. Renée is getting a promotion. She will be working to provide transitional housing for people experiencing domestic abuse. 

Lynda has finally, after a year of advocacy, been able to get DBT materials in braille. 

Rob demonstrated and passed around his new Orbit braille display. 

The meeting adjourned at 5:58 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Tamara Kearney, Secretary

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