[Jayhawk-Chapter] October meeting notice and agenda
Rob Tabor
rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Fri Oct 11 16:39:36 UTC 2019
Hello Jayhawk Federation family,
I have booked Conroy's Pub for our chapter meeting next Monday from 4 to
6pm. We will meet as usual in the back room. I hope we can all be there to
begin on time so we can end by no later than 6pm so we can clear outb of the
room for a dart club that wants to meet in the meeting space.
The proposed agenda is posted below and is attached for your convenience.
And don't forget to come and join the fun of our second trivia night
funraiser. This is not a typo. I do mean funraiser, although I hope to match
or beat last year's take of $400. I hope to see you at Conroy's hopefully by
Best regards,
Rob Tabor | president Jayhawk chapter National Federation of the Blind of
(785) 865-9959
Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
National Federation of the Blind of Kansas JAYHAWK CHAPTER
MEETING AGENDA FOR Monday October 14, 2019
Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Location: Conroy's Pub, 3115 W Sixth, Lawrence KS
1. Call to order, welcome and introductions (If guests present)
2. Review/modification of meeting agenda
3. Excerpts of Presidential Release No. 487 by Dr. Mark A Riccobono,
National President
4. Chapter president's and state reports - Rob
5. Approve minutes for September, 2019
6. Chapter treasurer's report, Brendy
7. Fundraising - a. lookback at fall trivia tournament, 10/12/2019
B. Other fundraising ideas
8. Report on Meet The Blind Month - Mayor's proclamation re White Cane
Awareness Day
9. Nominating Committee report and election of chapter officers ($12
dues are due!)
10. Preparations for 2019 State Convention, Nov 1/3, Salina
(a) Donation of cash door prize(s)
(b) Transportation planning
11. Planning for December holiday social
12. Other old business
13. New Business
Next meeting Monday, Oct. 14 Conroy's Pub, 3115 W 6th, Suite D, Lawrence, KS
I pledge to participate actively in the effort of the National Federation of
the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind; to
support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its
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