[Jayhawk-Chapter] Jayhawk Chapter Minutes
Tamara Kearney
tamara at gatetoserenity.com
Mon Oct 14 03:08:04 UTC 2019
Jayhawk Chapter Minutes
Sept. 16, 2019
The meeting commenced at 4:24 pm.
State Report: Hotel rate for the state convention is $109 per night. They're holding rooms for us until Oct. 11. Convention registration rates are $5, $10 at the door. The luncheon is $15, and the banquet is $30. There is a form online on our website. Money can be sent to the treasurer via Pay Pal at treasurer at nfbks.org. Please use the “Friends and Family” option so we don’t have to pay a transaction fee. You can also fill out the form, and send it with a check by regular mail.
Rob and Donna Wood are working on getting Rep. Claeys and Sen. Randall Hardy from the Salina area to speak at the convention.
The period is now open for the 2020 state scholarship awards. There are two for $1500 and one for $2500. Applicants can be high school students bound for either college or technical school, under graduate students, or graduate students.
Minutes: The minutes were approved as submitted
Treasurer's Report: The treasurer’s report was the same as last month. Dues for 2020 will be collected at the Oct. meeting.
Fund Raising: The second annual trivia night is coming up on Oct. 12 at Conroy's Pub. We are still working on getting prizes. Our goal is to raise at least $500.
White cane awareness proclamation day will be either the 1st or the 8th of Oct. Probably we will meet on the 8th.
New Business: the nominating committee met. Brendy presented the slate of officers as follows: Rob, president; Renée, vice-president; Lynda, secretary; Brendy, treasurer. We will vote on these officers at the next meeting on Oct. 14.
We discussed arranging transportation to the state convention. Rob will look into possibly sharing transportation with the affiliate from Kansas City. Tamara will ask Greg if he would be willing to drive.
We discussed donating two checks for $25 each as door prizes. We will vote on this at the next meeting.
We discussed getting a gift for Tina, but couldn’t decide on what to get.
Meeting adjourned at 5:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Kearney, secretary
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